obli_ttw Apr 12, 2008 21:25
will ferrell, holidays, work, dead like me, semi pro
obli_ttw Mar 21, 2008 22:15
ray, full metal alchemist, supernova, animania, muppet treasure island, tideland, heroes, kermitxhannibal, dead like me, kermit
obli_ttw Mar 20, 2008 20:31
fallen, tales of eternia, jelly donuts, dead like me, psp, noir
obli_ttw Mar 16, 2008 22:39
mario bros., goomba, msn, coooooold, freakin cold, dynasty warriors 6, tafe, nippy, iced, frosty, work, dead like me, freezing, baldness
obli_ttw Mar 13, 2008 23:10
dr. seuss, neiighbors, ice cream, sonic the hedgehog, tafe, sandwiches, american dad, family guy, dead like me, horton hears a who, baldness
obli_ttw Mar 09, 2008 23:09
sleep, birthday, work, tales of symphonia, dead like me